Postings from the Post Apocalypse:

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Senate of Shame

America’s most powerful climate change deniers, some 49 recalcitrants in the elected body once revered as the government’s most ruminative chamber, stymied 195 nations of the world from reaching legally binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions in Paris. While the accord reached Saturday sets goals, it most decidedly does not require governments to reach them. […]

Another Crime in Paris: Climate Change Talks

The international climate talks begin tomorrow in Paris. Hope really does spring eternal, so it’s reasonable to look at the cheer about the conference with a touch of optimism. One-hundred-seventy countries have committed to voluntary cutbacks of some type, and they include the U.S. and China, earth’s biggest polluters. Historically, the U.S. is number one, but […]

Now for the Sixth Great Extinction!

In the even that you needed more confirmation, three major universities have now concluded that we’ve entered a new period of great extinction, Earth’s sixth.  Researchers at Stanford, Princeton, and Berkeley reported that vertebrates, which includes those of us walking around upright on two legs, are disappearing at a rate 114 times faster than normal.  Since […]

Pope Francis, Groundhog Day, and Hot Times

Honestly, reading climate news is a lot like watching Bill Murray repeatedly pound his alarm clock in Groundhog Day, with, of course, a painful twist:  global warming isn’t precisely the same each time we read the latest reports.  It just keeps getting hotter. That’s the word from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s research arm, which Republicans on Capitol Hill […]

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